The interdisciplinary scientific network funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) addresses methodological, conceptual, and practical issues surrounding suicide research in children and adolescents.  One goal of the network is to elaborate on, apply, and demonstrate methods for improving assessment approaches of youth suicidality. Hereby, the network focuses on developmentally sensitive intensive longitudinal data assessments (i.e., ambulatory assessments), their clinical utility, as well as potential risks (e.g., iatrogenic effects), and ethical considerations that are paramount to conducting work in this field. 

Network meetings serve as a platform to discuss central malleable factors underlying elevated suicide risk in youth with the ultimate goal to prepare a DFG proposal (clinical trials) for a multicenter randomized controlled stepped care intervention trial. The members of the network work both in research and practice and combine knowledge about the latest methods in the assessment of suicidality.The content focus of the network is on the following key areas:

  1. Assessment of youth suicidality
  2. Safety considerations and iatrogenic potential of suicide research in youth
  3. Stepped care interventions for high-risk youth